Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Jakarta Barat, why you are sooooo Jakarta barat?

hey, i just spent one day of my hols by visiting Jakarta Barat. Yeahh to meet up my two daughters,Pinka and Sesa! They live in Jakarta Barat. Last week, they visited me who live in Jakarta Selatan. Jadi, gantian lahhh gue yang kesana..

niatnya mau bangun pagi jam 9. biar rencana gue : jam 10 udah harus nyampe halte Trans Pim. tapi sayang..emang dasar efek liburan, paginya pun gue bangun jam 10.15 EYAAAAAA! dengan kecepatan maksimum,segeralah gue mandi, pilih2 baju, sisiran, trus sarapan. Rencananya,kita mau ice skating. Yipppiey, terakhir gue ice skating tuh SMP! Terimakasih, Sesarini,karenamu ice skating hari ini tidak bayar semuaaaa hehheheh gretongan deh :D!

Sampe halte Trans PIM,gue nunggu deh busnya.sumpah ya..nunggu bus Trans tuh LAMBREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETnya bgt! setelah 15-20 menit berdiri menunggu kehadiran bus abu2 besar tersebut, naiklah gue ke armada itu dan memulai petualangan!

Selama perjalanan, gue merasa kok jauh bgt ke jakarta barat? apa emg rutenya yang rempong sehingga terasa sgt jauh? hmm mungkin, this is my first time anyway ke Jakbar naik trans.
Sekitar 1,5 jam akhirnya gue sampe ke halte grogol 2, lalu pindah bus lagi menuju halte Taman Anggrek. Sesampainya, jalan lagi dari jembatan ke mallnya. cukup jauh. hosh hosh hosh.

SKYRINK HERE I AM NOW! trnyata sesa dan pinka dan adiknya telah menunggu ku. langsung aja kita berang2 ke dalam. can't wait to skate! cieee skater..sk8tr. EYAAA banyak ya skaternya yang udah main! huh yaudahlah namanya juga public place,yang punya beginian kan cuma TA. Kita gak ngantri loh,karena kita pake complimentary tickets,azekk betul gak tuh? bye lineup, we love freepass!. Ambil sepatunya,abis itu skating selama 2 jam. harusnya bisa more than 2 hours,tapi perut gue minta mamam.

Setelah beberapa kegiatan berlangsung di TA. gue dan sesa memutuskan untuk karokean di tempat karokean beken di deket rumahnya. hmm ky apa sih tempatnya.

sesuai dengan namanya lime,nuansa hijau2 lebaran tapi bagus kok. good price good songs
LUAR BIASAAAA koleksi lagu2nya lengkap!
apalagi yang korean songsnya kekekekkekeke
tadi tuh lagu korea yang kita nyanyiin :
  1. Wedding dress-tae yang
  2. ring ding dong - shinee
  3. gee-snsd
  4. genie-snsd
  5. haru haru- bigbang
  6. you and i - park bom
  7. it's you- super junior
  8. super girl - super junior
  9. doushite kimi - dbsk
  10. and many moreeeeeee
kekekekke seru bgt disana..akhirnya nyanyi koreaan juga! oh iya, begitu kita nyanyi disana ternyata harga itu udah sekalian sm snacks! WIH kan tuh?
tadi kita disuguhi : coca cola, ice green tea, youghurt, dan french fries! NICE

tapi waktu berjalan begiu cepat, petualangan ku di Jak bar disudahi pada pukul 18.30

overall,it was fun!

new baby!

after i 've been waiting for so long,

i got my new macbook unibody! isn't it cool huh?


thank you mama, i have new laptop now.

To get this, i shud sacrified my old macbook white. I went to iBox, senayan city and join Trade-in promo. There, a man who is a master in this kind of thing will give you the best deal so you can get a voucher..same price with your old laptop..and you shud use the voucher by buying any Apple produts at the same date. -______________- after a little discussion with my mom, i was facing 2 options : The new macbook unibody or The 13" pro. well, i am not pro at all and pro isnt my needs though. so, i chose macbook unibody! I bought it cheaper than others! i won't tell you how much exactly the price. $$$$$$$$$$$$$


They Always Make Me Happy

who are they? umm they are my 4 best classmates : Tami,Guruh,and Randy!

she's my friend since we were in high school but never like this close lately..umm not too close i mean but of course we are still close kekekekeke.She's like a big mama,mature,smart-ass and has good sense of humor.VERY GOOD!
When i met her at first time in high school, i thought she only wanted to make a friend with her marching band community,but i was wrong. Her jokes make me laugh,laugh,and laugh.even with her funny crazy silly ideas! Thank God, amiucang's my friend

First time we met,when we were in the middle of my univ opening ceremony. He has A BIG MOUTH! talkactive,very active,and annoying. I was not giving an excited expression everytime he made some crunchy jokes at the time. I only gave him my fake laugh and smiling faces. he was so damn annoying! But, i found him in my class in the next day.alright, he is my classmate now.
And again, i was wrong. He's not annoying at all,but talkactive. He's good at jokes.same like Tami does. He's smart and has high-vocabs in giving his ideas and opinions. Thank God, rempong's my friend

i thought he was a rascal,bad-boy type, only make friends with the pop peeps.Again and again, i was wrong. He is a good boy, fyi, i think he's the only gentle man in our clique. i like the way he treats girls, even with his girldriend! hey, he taught some tricks in matrial arts to her! isn't that good?? yes, he does matrial art! hmm he seems more mature than us, but i think he's immature psychologycally. he has a good sense of humor.same like Tami and Guruh do. He can copy many different voices! the best part of him is when he copies our recteur's voice HAHAHAHAHA i can imagine that! Thank God, leklencong's my friend

So far, i love being around them. Share our stories, make a study group, have lunch together, laugh together..but we never cry together..yet. I know someday,time will separate us but i hope they wont forget all the moment we have spent in the future.

Guruh Randy Tami me

XOXO, i miss y'all guysss!